Our appearances are characterized by our many facial features, such as our eyes, nose, and ears. When one facial feature, such as our ears, is disproportionate or deformed, it can have a huge impact on our appearance and may take a toll on one’s self-esteem. Facial imbalances caused by disproportionate ears can be corrected with ear surgery.

Ear surgery is a restorative cosmetic procedure that corrects misshapen or deformed ears. Also known as an otoplasty, ear surgery, is growing in popularity. An otoplasty restores the overall balance to an individual’s appearance, adjusting the position of ears that excessively protrude

At Cosmetic Plastic Surgery & Laser Center of Maryland, misshapen and deformed ears can be reshaped for a balanced appearance. To learn more, please contact our office today and request a consultation with Dr. Ashruf!

What is an Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that improves facial balances by adjusting the shape, position, and size of the ears. Otoplasty can repair damaged ear structures to help improve facial symmetry and help achieve the patient’s aesthetic goals.

Depending on the case, ear surgery can be performed on patients as young as five years old to provide early correction of an ear deformity. Larger ears can cause facial imbalances that can be damaging to a developing child’s self-confidence.In adults, an otoplasty can achieve ideal proportion and repair ears that have been damaged by trauma or a medical condition, providing patients with their desired appearance and improved quality of life.

Conditions Ear Surgery Can Address

The following conditions and symptoms are treatable with an Otoplasty:


Ears that are visibly oversized in comparison to the rest of the head.


Ears that are severely underdeveloped due to congenital defects. In extreme cases, the pinna (a cartilaginous support structure) of the ears may be completely missing.

Constricted ear

The top of the ears support structures and the pinna are underdeveloped or completely missing, leaving the ear appearing folded.

Cauliflower ear

A common condition found in wrestlers and boxers, it is a deformity where repeated injury and trauma to the ears have caused them to appear puffy and resemble a cauliflower.

Cleft Earlobe

The lower, fleshy portion of the earlobe appears misshaped or may be missing sections due to trauma.

Cryptotic ears

Patients with cryptotic ears have ears where the outer rim of the ear is concealed under the skin or attached to the side of the head.

Benefits of Otoplasty

Restoration of the ears can be both aesthetic and functional. Patients with deformed or damaged ears may be experiencing issues with their hearing as well as emotional distress due to the appearance of their ears. Otoplasty can reconstruct the ears to appear natural and balanced in relation to your overall appearance.

In some cases, damaged ears or ears that have been affected by congenital defects, may have impaired function and limited hearing. With surgical repair, the shape and function of the ears can be returned to a healthy state, therefore improving one’s overall quality of life.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for ear surgery can be children as young as five through adulthood who experience damaged, misshapen, or malformed ears. Patients considering and otoplasty should be in good overall health without chronic ear conditions or health problems that may interfere with healing.In children, we recommend waiting to undergo this procedure until the child reaches the age of five. This is the time when the cartilage of the ears are stable and fully formed.

As with any cosmetic procedure, patients should have positive, healthy expectations and choose to undergo an otoplasty procedure to fit their own ideas and goals as opposed to fulfilling the ideals of others.

Children with deformed ears are especially vulnerable to emotional distress caused by a loss of self-confidence. Whether the deformities are a result of a congenital defect, injury or disease, deformed ears can significantly distort your appearance. Otoplasty can be particularly beneficial for children because their cartilage is easier to correct and reshape for lifetime improvements. Surgical corrections that are made through this procedure are long-term and remain through adulthood.


The first step in undergoing otoplasty is to meet with Dr. Ashruf for a consultation. At this time, you will discuss your personal goals and concerns about the appearance of your ears. Be prepared to talk about any previous health issues, past surgeries, current health, and routine medications to help the doctor ensure that you are a good candidate for this procedure. We recommend bringing in photographic examples of results that match your ideals to give Dr. Ashruf a better understanding of what you are looking to achieve. After an examination of the ears, Dr. Ashruf will develop a customized surgical plan tailored to your individual needs.

Your consultation is an opportunity to voice any concerns and questions. Dr. Ashruf prioritizes the experience of his patients and makes every effort to ensure they move forward with peace of mind and confidence. To schedule your one-on-one consultation today, please contact our office or click here.

Why Choose Dr. Salman Ashruf?

Dr. Salman Ashruf is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in minimally-invasive surgical techniques that successfully achieve natural-looking, beautiful results. As a professional and father of three, Dr. Ashruf sympathizes for young patients who are distressed by deformities of their appearance. Otoplasty patients in the greater Washington area can rest-assured in the hands of Dr. Ashruf, who draws upon his extensive cosmetic training and experience to give his patients a renewed sense of self-confidence.

Surgery of the ears is a delicate balance of aesthetics and functions concerns. The ears are vital to our senses and play an important function in our day to day lives. Otoplasty requires as much aesthetic artistry as it does technical precision to achieve desirable results.

Patients and parents of young ones who are under Dr. Ashruf’s care have access to the full support of our knowledgeable staff. At the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery & Laser Center of Maryland, our patients are our number one priority.


Otoplasty is not a procedure that has a singular set of steps applied to every case. Rather, the treatment is tailored according to the concerns presented by the patient and the aesthetic goals that they wish to reach. Generally speaking, the procedure will involve anesthesia and incisions to address ear structures. After the correction has been made, Dr. Ashruf will use thin sutures to close any incisions and wrap the ear in surgical bandages to aid with healing.

The surgery duration ranges from 45 minutes to an hour and is most commonly performed under local anesthesia, depending on the surgical plan and type of issues being addressed.


Ear Augmentation

When microtia or underdeveloped ears are indicated, ear augmentation may be the best method. Ear augmentation many require using cartilage grafts harvested from another part of your body to rebuild ear structures.

Ear Reduction

Disproportionately large ears, or macrotia, are addressed with ear reduction surgery. Ear reduction involves excising excess ear tissue to reshape the ears. Incisions are well-hidden along the natural folds of the ear structure.

Ear Pin Back

Ears that protrude excessively can be addressed with an “ear pin back” technique. This technique involves flattening the ears by making an incision along the natural creases on the backside of the ear to remove excess cartilage. The ear is adjusted and positioned closer to the head.

Recovery and Results

Otoplasty is an outpatient procedure, meaning patients are able to return home the same day as the surgery to begin their recovery. Otoplasty patients are usually up on their feet after the treatment and able to return to very light normal activity. However, more extensive otoplasty treatments or procedures involving young children may require overnight hospital stays for careful monitoring. The initial stages of recovery are extremely important as the new shape of the ear must be protected for correct, long-term healing.

After the procedure, the new positioning and shape of the ears may be immediately visible. The final results will be revealed as swelling resolves and healing completes. The surgical site may be covered with bandages to support the newly constructed ear. Patients are instructed to completely avoid touching or resting on their ears as they are delicate during the initial healing stages.

Dr. Ashruf and his team will provide you with detailed self-care instructions and discuss when to return to our office for your follow up appointments. Adult patients may return to work within three days, whereas children may be required to take off at least five days from school to ensure optimal recovery.

Complete recovery ranges from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the extensiveness of the surgery and your body’s ability to heal. During the first few weeks, patients are asked not to engage in any physical activity involving that may pose a risk to your ears and may be required to wear ear protection. Bruising and discomfort after the procedure are common, but can be alleviated with the help of pain medication.


The price of the otoplasty procedure is relative to the treatment course recommended to the patient by Dr. Ashruf. Each ear surgery is tailored to address the concerns and symptoms presented by the patient, as well as their desired results. In some instances that involve repairing ears as a result of trauma or injury, insurance coverage may be available. Pricing and any other questions about ear surgery can be answered during your consultation with Dr. Ashruf. Please contact our office in Hanover, MD today and receive a custom otoplasty quote!