When a patient arrives at our office, I am often faced with the issue of guiding them to the correct breast procedure for their needs. Although a patient may arrive at our center, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Laser Center of Maryland, with an idea of what they need to do to feel happy with their breasts, the first step I take as a consultant is to make sure I listen to the needs of my patient and help them make the right decision between procedures such as breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast implants.
What to Consider When Choosing a Breast Procedure
There are many choices to make when you are thinking about which procedure fits your needs the best. Among the information and considerations, I review with my patients is the question of your nipple position. Many people become unhappy with their nipples when they appear to point downward, as they feel their breasts are showing age and a lack of elasticity. A breast lift could be the best option for you if you feel this way because the tissue will be lifted and the nipple repositioned.
The lives of women can be tough, with the toll of breastfeeding making breasts swell and then shrink when the feeding ends. If this is the issue most affecting my patients, I would recommend the use of a breast implant to add volume to the chest. If you are unhappy with your breast size, you have the chance to explore the options available, including combining a breast augmentation procedure with that of a breast lift.
Why is the Consultation So Important?
As a board-certified surgeon and cosmetic surgery specialist, I understand the need for a consultation that will give you the chance to get your needs, hopes, and goals across to me and my peers. As a consultant, my role is to listen to your needs and goals before making sure the goals and ideas of my patients are realistic and achievable. As a guide through the different procedures that are on the table for use to provide the overall appearance that my patients have hopes for.
What is the Difference Between a Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation?
I believe it is important for my patients to understand what the difference is between the two procedures I am asked to perform the majority of the time on the breasts of my patients. A breast lift is designed to reposition the breasts, but will not add any size or volume. In contrast, a breast augmentation will offer the opposite results with the volume of the breasts altered but their position not.
For many of my patients, the issues they face can only be addressed by combining both the lift and augmentation to obtain the correct results for your confidence and sense of well-being.
Schedule a Consultation
To find out definitively whether a breast lift or augmentation is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ashruf at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery & Laser Center of Maryland. Call (410) 590-4313 or request your appointment online.